A Better Place

I was thinking... then i stopped, it was starting to hurt

Monique & Slick

i found this book in a library it told the secret of life but i never got around to reading it then it got overdue so i had to return it, so i guess you could say the only thing between us and the meaning of life is laziness

theres no better reason to live, if not to live for fun.

i cant lose my train of thought, i never had one but if it did it would go crashing off the tracks and kill every one on board

if i had ten cents for every time i said i had ten cents i would have a lot of dimes

everytime i go to the grocery store and they ask "paper or plastic?" i black out and when i come to im in some strange mans house and my grocerys are spread out over the front lawn.

once there was this guy that worked hard at his job (telemarketer) and one day he came home from a late shift and he went staring to bed and was having the most amazing dream about three midgits a turtle and some string but right when it was getting good he was awakened by a squeaking sound and when he opend his eyes he saw that there where clowns in his room and he saw no way that they could have gotten in. and after like an hour of them making squeaking noises he began to scream and to this day no one knows why what happend next happen but it did, his head fell off and was sold for parts.

everyone is so concernd with global warming but no one seem to relize that global cooling is just as big a problem mabye even bigger cuz what the hell are we going to do when the earth freezes over

i really havnt been thinking latly

these solos are really hard man


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